Drop-In Tech Help
Drop in and get one-on-one computer help from Abigail Smith from Orleans County Cooperative Extension. You can also schedule an appointment with her by calling 585-798-4265, ext 146, or emailing at ats235@cornell.edu.
Drop in and get one-on-one computer help from Abigail Smith from Orleans County Cooperative Extension. You can also schedule an appointment with her by calling 585-798-4265, ext 146, or emailing at ats235@cornell.edu.
620 West Ave
Medina, NY 14103
585-798-3430 (p)
585-798-4398 (f)
Monday 10-8
Tuesday 10-8
Wednesday 10-8
Thursday 10-8
Friday 10-5
Saturday 10-5
Closed Saturdays Father's Day through Labor Day
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