Local History collection
The primary focus of the collection is the Medina area but there are some materials about other locales within Orleans County. If you do not live in the area, you can submit a research request using the Contact Us form or email us at info@medinalibrary.org. Please include as much information as you have to make our search easier. Names, dates, known spelling variations are all helpful. We cannot perform searches that do not have a start and end date of no more than 6 weeks.
Here is a downloadable flyer with some of our genealogy materials.
Available materials
A full listing of our collection can be found at the following links
- Newspapers on Microfilm
- Local History Cabinet 1
- Local History Cabinet 2
- Local History Cabinet 3
- Local History in Reference
- Lt. John E. Butts Collection. We are proud to house materials regarding the military career of Lt. John E. Butts including citations, a scrapbook, and his medals. These items cannot be removed from the building.
- Lyndonville Enterprise, 1916-1962 on microfilm
- Church Records on Microfilm:
Albion: Christ Episcopal, St Mary’s RC, St. Joseph
Holley/Clarendon: First Methodist Episcopal, Disciples Methodist, St Mary’s RC, St. Paul’s Episcopal
Lyndonville: Yates Baptist, Lyndonville Presbyterian
Medina: St John’s Episcopal, St Mary’s RC including baptism records from 1850-1869
Niagara Falls: Church of the Epiphany Episcopal
Our newspapers are also available online. You can find a link under the online collections and databases tab. This collection contains the following:
- Medina Daily Journal and Register, 1932- May 2014
- Medina Daily Journal, 1903-1917, 1922-1932
- Medina Register, 1882-1911
- Medina Tribune, 1861-1945
Online newspaper printing help.

“In Remembrance”
This folder of materials is a moving tribute to the soldiers from Western New York who were killed in action during the Vietnam War. The names of the 531 casualties are listed alphabetically and an obituary or press story for each soldier is included. Created by Patrick Kavanagh, who served as a medic in Vietnam, and is the Historian for Forest Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo. This painstaking project was obviously a labor of love.
Local history contacts
The Medina Historical Society, Catherine Cooper: cfcooper216@gmail.com
The Town of Ridgeway Historian,
The Town of Shelby Historian, Alice Zacher: azacher@gmail.com
The Village of Medina Historian, Todd Bensley: tbensley@villagemedina.org
The Orleans County Historian, Catherine Cooper: Catherine.Cooper@orleanscountyny.gov
Local Online Records
Free, limited access to NYS records at Ancestry.com.
Orleans County Records.
Medina Newspapers.
Genealogy Sites & Databases
MyHeritage (need library card)
Cyndi’s List
US GenWeb
World GenWeb
Family Search