The current library building was completed in 1966. The role of the library has changed since that time. We now offer computers, internet access, tutoring space, movies, and programming that were not even imagined at that time. We have utilized the current space in the most efficient way possible but more space is needed to continue serving our community. 

An expansion has been part of the Library’s long range plan for almost two decades. The Board has looked at many options during that time including purchasing Towne School, purchasing adjacent properties, and building a second floor.

2018-2020: Purchase the adjoining properties using grant funds and savings.

November 2022: In order to continue to serve the members of this community to the best of our ability, the Board of Trustees is exploring options to expand our current building. We have contracted with an architectural firm, Passero Associates, to help us assess what the community needs from the library and to create concept drawings of what the expansion would look like to meet those needs. A Building Committee of community members and staff was created to assist with this process.

A community survey was conducted online and in person. The results are as follows:

  1. Respondents felt the 3 most important services were our Collections (print and digital), Children’s Area, and Technology.
  2. Respondents would like to see more Collections, Programs, Parking, and Private Spaces for tutoring and meetings.

June 2023: We have contracted with Ivy Partners to conduct a feasibility study for the expansion. A Steering Committee composed of community members will be leading this process. The study will look at the practicality of our proposed project.

Summer 2023: We are applying for multiple grants, over $4 million worth, to offset the potential cost of this project, including part of the $4.5 million awarded to Medina through NY Forward.

Winter 2023: Ivy Partners is finishing their interviews with community members and assessing the results. Presentation of the project results are anticipated to be given in February 2024. 

February 2024: Our feasibility study showed support for the project. Several participants voiced concerns over the estimated cost of the project. At this time it is an estimate and nothing has been finalized. The Library Board has always taken a conservative approach to our finances; they will continue to be mindful of the financial impact this project will have on our community.
Participants expressed interest in:

  1. Expanded Hours
  2. Sustainability
  3. Afterhours use of meeting rooms
  4. Expanded programming and collections

March 2024: An expanded Building Committee will be meeting to account for several community suggestions from the study. Once a final project has been determined, the Board will have a better idea of the cost and will move forward appropriately.

May 2024 NY Forward grant project winners were announced by the state and we were not chosen. While we are saddened by this decision, we will be moving forward with our project based on the overwhelming amount of community support we have received.

June 2024: We are moving forward with our Architects to finalize what our project will look like. This will include an expanded Children’s Area, expanded collection space, 2 meeting rooms, 3 tutoring rooms, and additional programming space. We are continuing to apply for grants at local, state, and national levels.